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Data protection policy


The brand Bruno Moinard Editions is a registered trademark. The website is registered with CNIL, the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties under the n°DPO-96316.

For BRUNO MOINARD EDITIONS, the protection of personal data is fundamental because it reflects the relationship we have with you. It is important to us to protect your privacy and that of your partners and collaborators, with regard to the information that you entrust to us.
The main objective of this policy is to inform you about the collection and use of your personal data by our structure but also to present the means allowing you to control this personal information.

Legal context

This data protection policy is part of a legal context marked by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of April 26, 2016, hereinafter “GDPR”), applicable since May 25, 2018 and the Data Protection Act n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended.

These strong legal texts provide you with important guarantees in terms of data protection and allow you to have more control over the use of your data when you entrust them to organizations like ours.


Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person directly or indirectly. This includes for example your name, your age, your telephone number, an identifier or any other information concerning you such as your socio-professional category or your areas of interest.
Data processing is any operation or set of operations whether or not carried out using automated processes and applied to data or sets of personal data. This includes for example its collection, recording, use, dissemination, preservation, etc.

The purpose is the reason why personal data is collected or used. This includes for example the keeping of your accounts or the preparation of pay slips and social declarations as part of our mission.
The Data Controller determines the purposes (the objectives of the processing) and the means of processing.
The Processor processes personal data on behalf of the data controller and under his instructions.

What personnal date do we collect ?

Navigation data: The website is a showcase site. We do not collect any personal navigation data and we do not use any cookies.

When you want to contact us:
We inform you that you can voluntarily communicate certain personal data to us through Gallery and Studio emails. This may include, for example, your last name, first name, email address or phone number.

When you want to get an estimate:
We inform you that when you request an estimate through emails to the Gallery and Studio, we collect certain personal data. This includes for example your company, your name, your phone number, your email address.

When you subscribe to our services:
When you subscribe to our services, we use the information you provided to us when you wished to discover our services. We collect additional personal data such as economic information to manage our business relationship.

We do not collect any sensitive data such as religion, trade union membership, racial and ethnic origins, criminal convictions or health-related data.

Aware of the level of sensitivity of this information, we are committed to guaranteeing you a maximum level of confidentiality, as well as a commitment to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. All the data collected is therefore strictly necessary for the performance of the mission you have entrusted to us.

Why do we process you personnal data ?

The processing of your personal data is based on the legitimate interest of BRUNO MOINARD EDITIONS relating to the establishment of our relations and is necessary for the completion of the contract. For example, the information collected through emails with the Gallery and the Studio is used to answer your questions, contact you, present our services to you, define your needs, and carry out our future legal and contractual obligations if applicable.

Before the validation of an estimate, you are under no circumstances obliged to provide us with your personal information. However, refusal to provide them to us would make it impossible to fulfill our contractual obligations. For the validation of an estimate or a purchase, the provision of your personal data is a requirement in order to be able to continue our commercial relationship together.

BRUNO MOINARD EDITIONS does not use any automated decision-making based on your personal data. No profiling is implemented during processing, and the data we collect will never be used without human intervention.

Who has access to your personnal data ?

Your personal data will only be transmitted to internal company departments. Each stakeholder has access to data relating to their scope of intervention.
Apart from recipients with legal authorization to access your information (tax authorities for example), the data will never be communicated to third parties or to external bodies without your express consent (transmission of data to your law firm for example).

BRUNO MOINARD EDITIONS does not and will not make any sale, transfer or communication of your personal data.
BRUNO MOINARD EDITIONS also does not transfer data directly outside the European Union.

How long do we keep your personnal data ?

Regarding the data you provide us to contact us:
The personal data that you provide to us when you wish to contact us through emails to the Gallery and the Studio will be kept for a maximum period of 3 years (period recommended by the CNIL).

Regarding the data you provide us to obtain an estimate:
The personal data that you provide to us when you wish to contact us through emails to the Gallery and the Studio will be kept for a maximum period of 3 years (period recommended by the CNIL).

Regarding your customer data under the contract:
We use and keep your customer data for as long as our contractual relationship lasts, in order to manage our exchanges, monitor the customer relationship, the transactions carried out, and perform our services. Following a purchase, we keep your data for 5 years (period recommended by the CNIL) to contact you, to provide you with new offers related to our services, or to meet our legal and / or contractual obligations.

What are your rights and how to excercise them ?

In accordance with the regulations in force, you have the following rights regarding your personal data:
Right of access: You can, at any time, access your personal data that we hold about you. To do this, you retain the possibility of contacting us in order to access your data as well as the purposes to which they are attached.

Right of rectification: If you notice an error, an oversight or an ambiguity in your personal data, you can make a request in order to complete or make a correction, or a clarification of your personal information.

Right to erasure: You can also ask us to delete your personal data.

Right to limitation of processing: You can demand the limitation of the future processing of your personal data under certain conditions: when you dispute the accuracy of a piece of data, or when you need it for the establishment, exercise or defense of your rights in court. You can also demand the restriction of the processing of your data if the processing is unlawful and you do not wish to proceed with an erasure.

Right to portability: As a customer, you have the right to receive data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You can also request that we transmit your personal data to another organization.

Right to opposition: You retain, at any time, the right to oppose the use of your personal data within the framework of the activities carried out by our company with regard to the processing of your data based on legitimate interest, such as sending news from the firm for example.

In addition, we inform you that you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (CNIL):
In order to exercise your rights or for any request for information and/or contact, please contact:

107 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris