Voir sur le eshopW270 D40 H80 cm
Inspired by the peaks and cliffs of the alabaster, Etretat is a line with a sculptural look and bold edges. Like a suspension bridge between two "needles" or pitons sculpted by erosion, the console has a particularly proud allure. The veining of the brushed elm, reminiscent of streaks of flint, accentuates both its verticality and minerality. But the softness of the surfaces and the refinement of the details - like this precious wood veneer by Tamo on the base - manage, as always, to temper the raw energy of this audacious piece.
Ceramic vase 004 by Marion Selma Gamba
Bruno Moinard painting

Voir sur le eshopW270 D40 H80 cm
Inspired by the peaks and cliffs of the alabaster, Etretat is a line with a sculptural look and bold edges. Like a suspension bridge between two "needles" or pitons sculpted by erosion, the console has a particularly proud allure. The veining of the brushed elm, reminiscent of streaks of flint, accentuates both its verticality and minerality. But the softness of the surfaces and the refinement of the details - like this precious wood veneer by Tamo on the base - manage, as always, to temper the raw energy of this audacious piece.

W270 D40 H80 cm
Brushed elm varnished
Glossy varnished light tamo